Rain, sleep and nature

Can’t believe it’s day 15 of 30 days wild challenge already.  Where has half of the month gone to.  Unfortunately I have spent the last few days in bed with a stomach bug so I haven’t been able to get outside and enjoy nature. (Even if it has been raining heavily none stop)  Though I’ve been tucked up in bed ill, my new duvet has cheered me up as it has a nature theme to it.  I love all the little creatures and wildflowers on it,and it really does make me smile.

It is nice to have a bit of real nature in my bedroom too with my beautiful house plants.  I love my indoor plants.  Its nice to have a bit of greenery indoors and having house plants has many benefits.  They improve your mood, lowers stress levels, helps to reduce blood pressure and improves air quality.  My home wouldn’t be the same without them there. As I haven’t been able to get out into the garden, it’s been calming to have these by my bedside.

Thankfully I have also been able to look out of my window while stuck indoors.  It always lifts my spirits to look out of the window and watch all the birds on my feeders.  I have 5 different feeders all with different types of food in them. (sunflowers, nyjer seed, suet, peanuts, and a seed/mealworm mix)  I counted 18 species of bird and 1 naughty squirrel the other day.  I even saw the adult woodpecker feeding 2 fledglings. They make such lovely “beep” noises and they love nibbling on the peanuts.  

Now I’m feeling much better, I am looking forward to getting outside, even if it’s to just splash in the many puddles left by all the rain we have had.


  1. Beautiful bedding and I love the goldfinch at your feeder. I’ve been a bit rubbish.Life is getting in the way of doing something wild everyday, but hopefully I will post something else before the month is out. X


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