Winter Solstice

Today is the Winter Solstice which means, the shortest day of the year. As I woke this morning I noticed how the darkness stayed for longer, like the sun was too sleepy to wake up; but from now on the days will slowly get longer and lighter.
The Winter Solstice also known as Yule (amongst other names) promises the return of light, with hope and promise for the future.  Pagans believe that from Midsummer to Yule the dark Holly King has ruled but now at Yule he is defeated by the light Oak King, who rules from now until Midsummer, where upon the cycle repeats.

This year if you are lucky to have a clear sky you may see the special bright full moon known as a cold moon (or the long nights moon), the day after the solstice. If you are really lucky you may even see the Ursids meteor shower this weekend too.

I was up at first light this morning, busily topping up the bird feeders,

putting out fresh water for the wildlife and making sure there was some delicious apples out for the foxes to eat.

The bird feeders have been a hive of activity all day with starlings squabbling, goldfinches twittering and blue tits chirping; not to mention robins, blackbirds and dunnocks scratting for food under the feeders too.

It has been a very dull cloudy day here in Chester (UK) today and the ground is sodden after heavy rainfall during the night. The garden plant life is sleeping apart from the violas, and cyclamen. The trees are all bare and there is a wet blanket of leaves upon the ground. There are however, pretty fungi in the shaded part of the garden

and beautiful lichen and moss upon the tree branches, plus the ivy looks lovely too at this time of year.

At first glance the outdoors may look dull and boring at this time of year, but its a great chance to truly look at your garden/local park and see the beauty in all the little hidden gems which you may otherwise take for granted.

I hope you all have a merry Yule, Winter Solstice, Alban Arthan, Heuldro’r Gaeaf or whatever you like to call this special day.

I hope you all enjoy your day.