A plastic free weekend

Saturday was World Ocean Day so I thought it would be good idea to spend this “30 Days wild” weekend looking into more ways of being plastic free.

I went shopping using one of my cotton reusable bags. It folds down to a small size which means it’s great for putting in my pocket or the glove compartment of my car.  I visited my local plastic free shop and bought some plastic free goodies.  I bought some beeswax wraps to use instead of using cling film and a bamboo cutlery set to take on my travels.

I then had lunch at my local chip shop and used my new bamboo knife and fork.  This chip shop is my favourite place to eat out as it only uses sustainable palm oil,  it does what it can to be plastic free and even sells vegan food. 

As it has been raining all weekend, I spent my time looking around my home thinking of others ways I could use less plastics.  It is amazing and very shocking once you start to really look around, how dependent we are on plastic items.  

Today I have started to make a “plastic free plan” though it feels like a minefield in knowing where to start and even more so if you are just starting your path into trying to go plastic free.

Here’s 10 easy ways I started going plastic free which may help others start on their path to cutting down on plastics:

  1. If you use straws how about buying ones made from metal or bamboo so that you can reuse them.
  2. Take reusable bags with you when shopping.  Always make sure you have some in your car or backpack.
  3. Buy some bamboo or metal camping cutlery
  4. Use a reusable cup where you can.
  5. Use a bamboo or other plastic free lunch box or beeswax cloth sandwich wraps.
  6. Buy a reusable drinks bottle instead of buying water in plastic bottles.
  7. Switch to a bamboo toothbrush.
  8. Use containers that you have around the house to store food and other items in, instead of plastic bags.
  9. Recycle what you can.
  10. Start a compost heap in your garden.

    If you have any other great plastic free ideas, I’d love to hear about them.  If you haven’t yet started to reduce plastics, then I hope the above 10 ideas help to set you on the right path.

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